5 main nautical nodes
Denis Korablev
  • 28.10.2021
  • 1,638

5 main nautical nodes

Sea nodes are considered the most reliable. For a long time, first fishermen and then sailors learned to skillfully handle ropes. These skills were passed down from generation to generation, and they are still relevant today. Training at a sailing school begins with the study of nautical knots, since everyone who wants to conquer the sea is obliged to master the skill of their implementation, whether on a rented yacht or your own ship.

Marine knots are quite original and reliable. They can be used to lower the ladder, moor the boat or set the sails. Much of the yacht safety depends on how tightly the knot is made; but often it becomes necessary to untie it quickly.


Basic terms found in instructions: root end and running end. How are they different? The root end is a part of a rope or rope that is fixed and therefore motionless. The actively working part of the rope is called the running end. When knitting any knot, usually the movements begin from this, unsecured end.

Marine knots are divided into knots according to their purpose:

  • in which the running gear is intertwined with the root end or tied;
  • assuming that the running ends of the 2 cables are intertwined and subsequently combined;
  • which attach the lead end to some object.

Beginning yachtsmen first of all need to get acquainted with the five main knots, the most common in the maritime business: figure eight, bayonet, arbor, straight, simple half-bayonet. Having mastered the basic nodes, it is easy to understand the principles of the formation of their varieties.

Eight - the simplest classical knot

It got its name due to its shape. On a yacht, is used as a stopper or attachment, as it does not move and does not loosen on its own. Tied in seconds and untied quickly, even when the rope is wet.

Flow chart:

  • to form a loop, circle the running end around the root end and pull it out from above;
  • put the running tip behind you and pull it into the loop;
  • tighten.

The Royal Knot Lounge

Scientists suggest that it was used in ancient Egypt. It has a different name - bowline, it is considered versatile and reliable. Allows you to connect ropes of different diameters and cables made of any material. It is used for mooring, belaying, attaching ropes to the hook. Ties easily, never looses by itself.

Flow chart:

  • form a loop from top to bottom at the end;
  • draw the running end through the loop from below;
  • circle the running gear around the root end;
  • pass the end into the loop from the back;
  • tighten.

If necessary, the knot can be quickly untied if you slightly loosen the end of the root and move the loop of the running gear slightly.

Straight - Herculean knot

This nickname he received in Ancient Greece for his ability to withstand a huge load. Used to connect 2 ropes (ropes) of the same diameter. The weak point are: spontaneous tightening under heavy load or getting wet; it is also possible that the cable moves downward. In this regard, it is not recommended to use it in critical areas.

Flow chart:

  • fold the walking ropes of two ropes so that one end covers the other (it turns out a half-knot);
  • repeat the action so that the end on top of the rope is again on top;
  • pull the end of the rope into a loop, braiding the other;
  • tighten.

A simple half-bayonet is the basis for complicated variations

The knot is formed at one end, not tightened. This mount is considered reliable, capable of withstanding strong traction.

Flow chart:

  • go around the end of the chassis around the selected object;
  • pull past the root end, creating a loop;
  • push the running gear into the resulting loop;
  • join the tails.

A simple bayonet is indispensable in naval affairs

This knot is formed from 2-3 half-bayonets. Used for towing and mooring lines.

Flow chart:

  • go around the running end around the fulcrum;
  • create a loop around the root end;
  • draw the running end into the resulting loop;
  • repeat actions in the same direction;
  • loop around the cable;
  • pin.

A simple bayonet with a hose

It is performed in the same way as a simple bayonet, it is considered more reliable. Difference: the running tip is looped 2 times around the object where the cable is planned to be fixed.

Fishing Bayonet

It is used for attaching an anchor to a cable, therefore it has a second name "anchor knot". Also used in works where the rope is subjected to high traction. It is performed similarly to the previous node. The main difference is that the first half-bayonet is carried out inside a hose that wraps around the attachment object.

As the experts say 2yachts, in order for the sea knots to serve faithfully, they do not fail at the right time, practical exercises are required. Regular training in knotting develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands, and improves vision.

Practice is the main condition for successfully mastering this art!