What to take in luggage for a sailing yacht: general recommendations
Denis Korablev
  • 05.04.2021
  • 484

What to take in luggage for a sailing yacht: general recommendations

Recommendations for what you need to take with you for sailing on a yacht vary greatly depending on where you are sent - on a trip, to study or to participate in a regatta. In addition, the recommendations differ depending on the season. But there are also general baggage picking rules that the 2yachts team presents in this article.

ОGeneral advice can be given based on the characteristics of the yacht:

  • Firstly, the limited living space on the yacht, which is not so easy for beginners to get used to (experienced yachtsmen are good at being content with little and do not complain about the tightness of the premises);
  • Secondly, the usual household items and utensils on the yacht tend to fall, therefore, if possible, it is recommended to exclude fragile and too heavy objects from the luggage;
  • Thirdly, the problem of most, even the largest and most modern yachts, is water leakage into the premises. It is impossible to guess in advance when bad weather will come and it will be damp on the yacht, so we advise you to purchase (especially when traveling in the off-season and to participate in races) sealed plastic containers. And it is best to purchase waterproof things that dry quickly and do not create problems on board;
  • Fourthly, the sea is for anyone, even the most hardy person, an essentially aggressive environment. And factors such as salinity, solar radiation, wind and humidity make staying on a yacht unsuitable for living, therefore, in this unfavorable marine environment, it is necessary to use special clothing developed by professionals for these conditions (even if it costs much more, these costs pay off already in the first travels).

Based on the above recommendations, we have compiled a list of things you need on a yacht.

Yachtsman's luggage for the summer (inshore)

In different regions, the summer season varies greatly in terms of duration and conditions. When compiling this list, we focused on the climate in Turkey (Marmaris Bay area, Hisaronu, Fethiye). Summer in this region is considered the period from early May to mid-October, but it is impossible to draw clear boundaries between the seasons, because there are surprises.

List of necessary things (example for travel):

  • Bed linen (must be present on the yacht);
  • Towel (you can bring it with you or you can rent it from the rental company);
  • Footwear - special reliable yacht boots (Top Sider) and footwear for wearing on the shore (you can take care of purchasing 2-3 pairs);
  • Sunglasses - with increased sun protection;
  • Gloves (with closed fingers - if you express a desire to participate in steering the boat);
  • Windbreaker;
  • 2 or more T-shirts;
  • Shorts - 2 pcs;
  • 2-3 options for clothing for the beach;
  • Sun protection cream (with spf value from 5 to 30);
  • Notebook;
  • The documents;
  • Smartphone charger;
  • Photo or video camera;
  • Toiletries - the usual coastal kit;
  • Soft bag for carrying all accessories and garments.

The total weight of the luggage will be 16-20 kg, while taking along light light trousers, a T-shirt and a flashlight is optional.

Off-season baggage

The rest of the year in Turkey (we can assume that the off-season is coming) luggage for the travel period can be formed with the following set of items:

  • Bed linen (must be on the yacht);
  • Towel (you can bring it with you or you can rent it from the rental company);
  • Shoes - special yacht boots (Top Sider) and boots for wearing on the shore (2-3 pairs are possible);
  • Sunglasses of any design;
  • Gloves (with closed fingers - if you express a desire to participate in steering the boat);
  • Waterproof offshore suit and inshore jacket;
  • Pocket flashlight;
  • A pair of T-shirts;
  • Up to 2 options for beachwear;
  • Thermal underwear - 2 sets;
  • Pants for sunny, warm weather at sea;
  • Sun protection cream (with spf value from 5 to 30);
  • Laptop (you can take it with you);
  • The documents;
  • Smartphone charger;
  • Photo or video camera (you can take it with you);
  • Toiletries: regular coastal kit;
  • A soft bag for carrying all accessories and items of clothing, or a hard suitcase if the yacht is not fully loaded.

Naturally, these lists are advisory in nature and you can make changes to it at your discretion. But if they help you get ready with a minimum amount of time, then the task is completed and we did not write this article in vain.

Review the rosters critically, remembering responsible equipment selection in any case, as well as being prepared to work with the ship's crew in one role or another.

Do not forget that the right baggage is the key to a successful holiday or race organization!

If you have any questions about the choice of clothing sets or yacht rental, you can contact our managers. At 2yachts, you will find the most suitable offers in terms of quality and benefits. We can guarantee support at all stages of the boat rental!