How to choose yachting equipment
Denis Korablev
  • 22.12.2019
  • 444

How to choose yachting equipment

Yachting clothing is selected with great precision only after the yachtsman has spent some time on the ship. Until this moment, it is not possible to choose the perfect set of yachting equipment. It is extremely difficult for a beginner to decide what he may need when traveling on water. Clothing should be chosen taking into account the seasons, the region of sailing, fluctuations in the weather at sea and on the coast, as well as many other factors.

How to store things

Since yachting is close to active tourism, it is best to pack your garments in a large bag, backpack or small suitcase. Free space on the yacht is very limited, and it is more convenient to keep clothes in several small bags than in one large one.


For yachting, you should purchase special shoes that would not slip on a wet surface - they are necessary when the ship gets into bad weather and you need to move around the deck. The main quality of yachting shoes - it should not leave marks, stripes and the soles should be white or marked "not-marking", especially when traveling on yacht charter. At the same time, such safety shoes should not slip on different types of surfaces, have good ventilation, fit tightly around the leg and dry quickly. There are several varieties of yachting shoes.

Top Siders

Top-siders - boots with white rubber soles, equipped with wavy slots, made of leather. The leather from which the topsides are made is so soft that they must be worn without socks. Top-siders can be combined with any type of jeans, trousers, and even suits. The advantages of such shoes are:

  • Great wearing comfort;
  • Stylish look;
  • Strong hold on the leg;
  • Soft sole, etc.

Yacht sneakers

Yachting sneakers are the most optimal shoe for wearing on a boat and differ in:

  • Increased flexibility;
  • They breathe well;
  • Lightweight;
  • Excellent hold on a damp surface;
  • Dry quickly.

Yacht boots

The boots are required for long ocean crossings, they are soft and provide excellent traction to the deck. Boots stay dry and allow moisture to come out, keeping your foot from sweating. These shoes can be used on the deck even in difficult weather conditions.


Waterproof socks are also needed on any sea voyage, since regular cotton socks are highly saturated with moisture and then dry for a long time. To protect your shins and ankles from the cold, it is best to always have high woolen socks with you during the off-season.

In addition to the listed items, you will need to provide footwear for walking on land in parking lots, if, in addition to yachting, you also plan to engage in ecological, educational tourism on the shore. Also, in accordance with "yachting etiquette", when entering the ship, outdoor shoes must be left at the entrance.

Choice of yacht clothing

If we consider clothing, then it is imperative to provide for its multilayer - thermal underwear should be adjacent to the body, fleece clothing should be the second layer, and the outer layer should be waterproof - these are pants (or overalls) and a jacket. A waterproof jacket is chosen warm, always with a hood, and even in summer you need to have a windstoper, windbreaker or light waterproof jacket on board. Thanks to the layering, the yachtsman can adapt to the changing weather at sea, taking off his clothes during periods of warming and then dressing in light clothing. When sailing in good weather with a refreshing breeze, 3 layers of clothing are also used, but of a different composition - the first layer is a regular T-shirt, the second is fleece or Polartec, the third is a windstopper jacket or waterproof clothing of the "Offshore" category (swimming in the presence of waves and rain) or "Inshore" (for coastal sailing in good weather).

You can choose things from the products of one of the world brands, for example, Marina Yachting, Musto, Gaastra, Gill Marine, Slam and Henry Lloyd, in addition to specialties that also produce casual clothes. You can also buy accessories from them, for example - glasses with yellow, dark or transparent glasses.

In conditions of steadily hot weather, the yachtsman's outfit may consist of a T-shirt and shorts made of quick-drying fabric. In a storm, boots are worn, in warm weather - top-siders, and in hot weather yachting sneakers are suitable.


Gloves should be purchased with a rough surface so that the sheet does not slip on it, and if inexpensive gloves are quickly erased, then it is more logical to purchase a more expensive model in order to change it less often.


Glasses should be selected with a polarizing effect - they protect the eyes from the effects of blinding glare, which is reflected sunlight from surfaces. Glasses should have special rubber inserts, thanks to which they will perfectly adhere to the face.

UV protection

Since when traveling to rented boat you will be outdoors almost all the time, among sea verses, then you need to provide reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation - high SPF sunscreen. Miramistin or chlorhexidine is applied for better healing before applying ointments or creams. You also need to remember to take the medicines that you took on land with you.

Well-chosen clothes will guarantee your comfort, convenience and safety while traveling. The hallmark of properly selected yachting clothing is comfortable body temperature and dryness all year round. To order and purchase yacht clothing online, you just need to know the height and hip circumference for trousers, as well as the chest circumference for a jacket for women and the height and waist circumference for trousers, as well as the chest circumference for a jacket for men. We wish you a great rest and maximum comfort even on the longest ocean crossings!