Features of yachting on the Moscow Region reservoirs
Denis Korablev
  • 19.03.2020
  • 439

Features of yachting on the Moscow Region reservoirs

The popularity of yachting throughout Russia and in the Moscow region, in particular, is growing from year to year, new yacht clubs are being created in the regions, differing in location, infrastructure development, the number of parking spaces and the cost of services.

Once even an ordinary motor boat was considered among the residents of the Moscow region one of the attributes of a luxurious and happy life, today there are already several hundred yachts in this region, while the annual turnover of yacht clubs is already estimated at several million. On the Klyazminsko-Pirogovskoye reservoir there is a whole galaxy of yacht clubs - "Aurora", "Spartak", "Neptune", "Burevestnik", with equipped places for storing yachts at the pier or on the shore during periods when boat trips are undesirable. In the "Neptune" club, yacht rental is available in the summer, various types of water equipment are also rented from the "Admiral" club.

Among the owners of floating transport there are both true adherents of yachting and Muscovites who have joined yachtsmen on the basis of the prestige of this type of active recreation - having their own yacht is proof of the owner's belonging to the upper strata of society. The yachting season in the Moscow region lasts only 3-4 months, the rest of the time the yacht needs storage and maintenance. Experts note that the majority of yacht owners in the Moscow region have already had time to get fed up with yachting in the waters of the region, since it takes no more than 6-7 minutes to cross the water surface of any of the Moscow region reservoirs, and drifting for a long time seems to be of little interest. Many yachtsmen of the Moscow region began to explore the waters of the Volga, Lake Ladoga, the Caspian Sea and the Sochi region. But long voyages from the Moscow region are rather difficult, because all ships cannot do without periodic refueling, which forces their owners to visit trade ports or abut a tanker in the roadstead. For this reason, many Muscovites have already managed to drive their yachts to the reservoirs of Turkey, Croatia and Suomi, where the parking costs much less. And even many yachtsmen who have “put down roots” in the Mediterranean region, over time, there is a need for yachting in their native spaces. Undoubtedly, the yachting infrastructure in Europe is much better developed, but the Russian waters also have their own benefits and advantages.

In the article, we will try to consider the main recommendations for yachtsmen who plan to relax in the suburbs of the Russian capital, strive to test themselves in the waters of the Fatherland. Why are the reservoirs of the Moscow region attractive, what to expect from rest here, what attracts yachtsmen in the waters of the most visited region of Russia?

One of the main advantages of the reservoirs of the Moscow region is the close location of reservoirs - there is no need to allocate funds and time, to apply for a visa, book a hotel and other troubles to have a rest on the ship. In order to feel the pleasant breeze and splashes of fresh water on a sailing yacht carrying you on your chosen course, just a few minutes are enough - after this time you find yourself in a completely different world, without constant traffic jams, the ubiquitous city bustle and anxieties. Now with you only the flapping of the sail, the rustle of the water being cut by the bow of the yacht - you suddenly find yourself on vacation and still cannot believe in the reality of what is happening.

Another advantage of the reservoirs near Moscow is ease of management, because the vessels in our reservoirs are much smaller in size than those sailing in the Mediterranean. Yachts over 30 feet in length are rare in the inland waters of all of Russia, the reason for this is the shallow depth of the reservoirs near Moscow and the insignificant height of spans under bridges and power lines. And when traveling on a small yacht, you will never have to spend the night on the ship - you will spend the night at home. And since the yachts are small, the physical activity during the voyage on the ship will not be the same as at sea, and at the same time you will be able to carry out a lot of maneuvers and turns, mooring, without risking overwork during travel. The implementation of your ideas, experiments and gaining experience will not take a lot of energy from you, thanks to which everyone can afford such a vacation, even without having their own boat, since today yacht charter in Moscow is available to everyone. Master new knowledge, study the behavior of the yacht - everything is easily and quickly achievable! Only wind, water, sail and you!

Also, the advantages of the reservoirs of the Moscow Region include the fact that you do not have to choose between tourism and sports - both educational trips and participation in races and regattas are available!


For traveling on a yacht, you should choose the Ivankovskoye, Klyazminskoye or Istra reservoir. In the Moscow region there are all the conditions for amateur and sports fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, and there is also the possibility of taking procedures in steam forest baths or just walking through pristine forests with clean air and dense greenery surrounding you. Do not forget about buying mosquito repellent so as not to be surrounded by annoying bloodsucking. One-day tourism can also be organized on the Klyazminskoye reservoir - for this you need to go from the yacht club in Dolgoprudny to the Bay of Joy (it will take about 2 hours), while you will need to work intensively with the sails, diverging from those found on sailing yachts, observing wonderful landscapes and arranging spontaneous photo sessions. After reaching the bay, you will have the opportunity to try lunch at a local cafe, swim, fish and discuss the main points of the passage. After lunch, you can go back. We promise that from such a trip you will return refreshed and rejuvenated - as if you were on a vacation at the sea!

Sporting Events

The possibilities of the races held in our waters can amaze yachtsmen from other countries - indeed, how realistic it is to acquire the qualifications of an athlete in sailing in a small body of water. Let's try to figure out how this is possible. Repeated repetitions (of something) and experienced rivals help a yachtsman to acquire qualifications. And at the Klyazminsko-Pirogovskoye reservoir, both of these factors are successfully combined - it can rightfully be called a Russian sports mecca. Indeed, the water area is not vast enough, therefore, the distances are not long and often oblige to maneuver, that is, repeated repetitions! And there are many strong opponents from neighboring densely populated cities - Mytishchi, Dolgoprudny, and finally from Moscow! And experienced yachtsmen can share invaluable experience with you! These are strong rivals, and competing with them provides ample opportunities for professional development and growth!


If you compare with foreign trips, then here you can postpone your walks and training for an indefinite period in case the weather presents new surprises. Of course, there is no bad weather for yachtsmen, only bad clothes, but in sunny weather and with a clear sky, the yachting experience will be completely different! When traveling abroad in bad weather conditions, you will have a choice: either stay in the marina or travel through the waves and winds! And the likelihood of getting seasick in the reservoirs of the Moscow region is much lower. For the most part, waves are created only by powerboats, which revitalize boat trips and make them look like the sea!

You need to start small, for example, rent a yacht, but you need to take into account the specifics of domestic legislation, which prohibits going out into the water on a rented yacht without a captain. To travel on inland waters on your own, you must either take ownership of the vessel or obtain a power of attorney from the owner. Of course, you cannot do without a certificate issued by the State Inspection Service. The specialists of the company 2yachts can always help you with all this. And if you have plans to sail on a rented boat, then there will be no surprises for you, since everything will be organized by our professionals.

If you want to sail on your own, you will either need to buy a yacht or take care of obtaining a power of attorney from the owner of a suitable vessel. At first request, the yacht will not trust you, but you can try to talk to the owner in an informal setting, for example, on a hike or on a walk, and the problem will be solved!

Another issue to worry about first is qualifications. Since navigation in inland waters has significant differences from navigation - this applies to both rules and skills. In the conditions of the sea and freshwater bodies, the determining factors of safety differ greatly - the main differences are based on the difference in the distances between ships and to the elevations of the underwater bottom of the relief and other navigational hazards. Inland waters require special attention, while in the sea skillful planning comes to the fore. For knowledge in navigation, you need to come to an experienced captain, so you won't be able to get them from the bay-flounder.

In conclusion, it can be noted that if you are planning to sail on the Klyazminskoye or any other reservoir, you should rent a yacht with a captain and go on a trip along the chosen route with your family, with friends or alone.