What are the reasons people choose yachting?
Denis Korablev
  • 19.02.2021
  • 484

What are the reasons people choose yachting?

Yachting has recently appeared in the huge list of mass entertainment available today. The hobby for yachting can be described as traveling on sailing, motor and hybrid vessels for sports, tourist purposes or for recreation. Here we will try to describe the most attractive aspects of this hobby for various groups of people, so that the reader can decide for himself whether he should go sailing or not? Let's consider what the main advantages are, the possibilities for obtaining new vivid impressions, as well as the features of yachting. We will also find out how the close environment of people who are fond of sailing on yachts relates to this type of entertainment.

Passion and inspiration

Why do people come to yachting? Among the main sources of motivation for yachtsmen, there are some main directions that would help us describe this audience. These are people who spend a lot of money and time on expensive entertainment, which is also the most uncomfortable way to move around the water. What makes yachtsmen, even in rain and snow, go out to sea, make long transitions, spend the night in unexplored bays in calm and inclement weather? Where did they get so much determination? We will try to give an idea of the motivating factors, of course, provided that our classification is very conditional and may not be applicable to the reader personally!

Professional Yachtsmen

Professional yachtsmen are engaged in yachting seriously, as a rule, all their lives, and belong to the most competent part of the described audience. These include skippers, instructors, racers, yacht builders, etc. These are highly qualified specialists who can go to sea, either to work or simply for interest, motivated and responsible. They are responsible for everyone else on the team, newcomers and more experienced, and share their experiences of coping with existing challenges, such as weather or team-to-team relationships. These people are so passionate about yachting that they are often even called "yachtonuty" among the people.

What are the main motivating factors for these people? As noted by professional yachtsmen 2yachts, first of all, this is the desire to achieve success, consolidate results and acquire new skills when participating in races , regattas, organize a new regatta or yachting event. Also, for some of them the main goal is the desire to participate in a round-the-world voyage - in the waters of the world's oceans there are quite long routes with a high level of difficulty that attract sailors. And someone wants to master the management of large ships with an even larger number of crew.

There are those for whom the construction of a skipper's career is of the highest value, since this directly affects family income, it is very well received by relatives. Such yachtsmen keep themselves in shape and can always find time for a productive vacation and for children, in a word, there are only advantages everywhere.


Perhaps this is the most numerous category of modern yachtsmen, because it is thanks to them that the entire yachting industry arose and is still supported. As a rule, these are sociable and friendly people, with whom the whole family can sail, while they can always keep up the conversation and help create a comfortable atmosphere on the ship.

These selfless people understand that the best reward for being a skipper is his experience! Therefore, it is preferable for them to spend most of their time on excursions, sightseeing and shopping instead of long voyages on the high seas or participating in races.


These people motivate themselves by earning income from organizing the rest of other yachtsmen and hobbies. Immediately calculating the possible income in their heads, they turn yachting into a profitable business. How can you imagine such people? To do this, just watch the cartoon "Treasure Island" - in its characters you can see all the variety of characters of such yachtsmen. Should you count on a share of the income for your relatives? Yes, but only 50/50!)

Women's part of the team

This category of yachtsmen should be specially noted, because everyone has heard such a phrase that "a woman on a ship - unfortunately"! We will not agree with such an uncompromising opinion, but there is something in this. In this case, everything depends on the specific situation. In fact, due to the peculiarities of female perception, the crews, which include female yachtsmen, as a rule, are even very harmonious! This also applies to the safety of crossings, the psychological environment and other aspects of life on board. However, this is true only for short transitions, since the difficult conditions of "arrivals" for women, due to the peculiarities of the fragile female body, are not suitable.

In this category: wives of athletes, women athletes, and just ladies in search. Of course, everyone's interests may be different, from banal shopping to looking for a life partner.

Awards and achievements

Despite the possible costs (for example, money and time costs, travel discomfort, the likelihood that relations between team members will deteriorate, etc.), this type of vacation brings many rewards to fans of yachting.

If we talk about the advantages of yachting, then first of all it is worth noting that the problems present on any vessel, upon closer examination, can be transformed into real advantages. For example, if a storm has played out in earnest, and the weather forecasts are disappointing, the expectation of fresh sensations, something unknown, and, of course, the romance of sea adventures for which yachtsmen can help to cope with a bad mood go to sea!

Difficulties in relationships between team members can also serve as an incentive to building and developing relationships in the future, as overcoming difficulties together only strengthens the team.

The key advantages of yachting in selected regions of the world are the ability to freely plan travel routes, the opportunity to appreciate the cultural and architectural heritage of a particular region, taste local wines and taste delicious dishes, as well as relax in places untouched by civilization ...

Prospects for yachting is the opportunity to participate in transatlantic crossings, to organize an independent trip on a yacht as part of a team of friends on a rented yacht, to grow in sailing, etc. In order to find yourself in yachting, it is enough to start getting theoretical knowledge and training on the water. To this end, you can watch a selection of thematic videos or films, start taking an interest in racing and sports literature. And since yachting is a team type of entertainment, you will need to assemble your team or join an already formed team, for example, in the nearest yacht club.

In conclusion, we note that there are only two main advantages in yachting - travel (during which small geographical discoveries are made) and impressions from participation in sports competitions.

If you are interested in the available yacht rental price - 2yachts is always ready to help you in choosing a vessel and arranging all related documents.