Advantages and disadvantages of RIB boats
Denis Korablev
  • 08.11.2021
  • 8,058

Advantages and disadvantages of RIB boats

RIB boats are considered fast and economical floating facilities. In Russia, they have recently become quite popular. Perfectly suitable for water and tourist recreation, as well as for fishing or yacht tender. The RIB boat is combined: it seems to be inflatable, but has a rigid hull. This combination gives a number of design advantages: inflatable boards are practical, during operation they guarantee high safety, and comfort and better gliding through the water are ensured by the rigid body.

There are several options for modifying the RIB deck:

  • open traditional models;
  • bowriders (boats with an open area on the bow where additional seats are located);
  • ships with covered deck superstructures;
  • boats with a closed bow.

The RIB has a relatively light weight, which makes it possible to equip them with sufficiently powerful motors, outboard or stationary. The result is an economical and high-speed swimming vehicle.

When planning to buy a RIB boat, you first need to clearly define the purpose of the acquisition, prioritize and put forward the requirements that the purchase must meet. Now you have a chance to choose the very model that will not disappoint and will serve faithfully for many years.

The RIB (folding) boat is perfect for short-term trips. The stores offer an impressive assortment. It is desirable that the bottom and sides (cylinders) are packed separately, then the boat is easier to transport. The weight of a standard boat is usually 90 kilograms. RIB motor boats have the best qualities of PVC boat and small boat. Compared to a boat, the RIB has less space, but the engine is more powerful; and simple inflatable boats RIB are inferior in mobility (they cannot be deflated, rolled or left in the trunk). Fishermen are quite satisfied with oversized models from two to four meters long, and for those who want to relax in comfort, it is proposed to purchase or take in rent a RIB boat larger - up to ten meters, moreover, there is an opportunity to put a closed superstructure on the deck. A larger boat can take more people or cargo.


  • high reliability (inflatable boards minimize lateral rolling, cushioning shock waves);
  • stability: the RIB will not roll over under any circumstances, since the inflatable balloon has several sealed sections;
  • good wear resistance (bottom and sides are made of high strength materials);
  • heavy lifting capacity;
  • good maneuverability and speed (100 km / h and above);
  • compactness and ease of transportation (a trailer can be transported without special permission; if deflated, it can fit in the trunk);
  • the operating costs are moderate, as the fuel consumption is low.

A boat with an aluminum hull has proven itself well in difficult conditions (on reservoirs with rock formations and ledges). The double bottom provides a fairly rigid structure that can confidently resist deformation. The main advantage of aluminum is that it allows you to combine high strength with low weight. The use of aluminum gives a good weight gain and significantly improves the performance of the flotation device and also reduces operating costs.

RIB boat advantages:

  • high impact resistance (compared to steel and fiberglass);
  • high wear resistance;
  • durability, does not require anti-corrosion treatment (sea water does not have a negative effect on them);
  • suitable for spring fishing, as it is not afraid of ice crust;
  • the deck is firm, "does not play" underfoot (fish can be caught while standing);
  • low maintenance costs.

Disadvantages of RIB boats:

  • some models are heavy and can only be transported with a trailer;
  • the plastic bottom can be scratched when approaching a hard bank (e.g. concrete);
  • time-consuming assembly (and then dismantling) process, it takes a lot of time (folding models are not required);
  • in folding models, the deck is uneven, which is not very convenient for passengers;
  • inflatable balloons can be burned with coal from a fire or a cigarette, pierced;
  • budget models are rarely equipped with a windscreen;
  • the need to use a scoop and sponge to remove water completely from the first two sections.

When choosing a RIB boat, what to look for?

First of all, to match the spaciousness and size. RIB should not be ordered over the Internet and taken without looking, it is preferable to carefully examine and “try on” everything in the store. Previously, studying the parameters of the boat on the manufacturer's website, subtract the width of the cylinders from the overall width. Analyze the length of the boat, look at the photos, how much the cylinders protrude from the rigid hull. For example, in an ordinary aluminum boat with a length of four meters, 3 people with luggage can be freely accommodated, but in a four-meter RIB they will be cramped.

Consider what material the body is made of. The fiberglass body serves for a long time under conditions that:

  • the shores of water bodies are sandy or loamy;
  • chips and cracks that appear are repaired in a timely manner.

The weight of the product is increased if the body is aluminum, but the service life will also become much longer.

For many buyers, weight plays a decisive role, they often buy a boat with a mass of 50 kg, because it can be transported on the roof of a car. Please note that the RIB weighing 50 kg is very small, it is no more than three meters long, and is designed for one person. But as a toy it is very good!

Take an interest in the number of inflatable balloons (there should be at least three), safety in the process of operation largely depends on this. Inflatable cylinders, which means their properties are similar to the positive and negative properties of inflatable boats. The main selection criterion: the density of PVC, the higher it is, the stronger and more reliable the sides. Keep in mind that UV radiation slowly destroys PVC, and the sharp claws of active pets can also cause harm when jumping out of the boat.

According to the experts 2yachts, due to the steady high demand, they are produced in many countries. The most popular are Swedish Rupert, Italian Sur Marine, Chinese Gladiator, French Zodiak, Austrian Highfield, Norwegian Skibsplast. Boats of domestic manufacturers are also in demand: the most budgetary Aquamaran Luxe Boat 360 TR, the most capacious WinBoat RIB R5 and the gradually exciting market GLADIATOR RIB 420 (the best value for money).

Choose a RIB boat according to your needs and desires; it will be an excellent purchase for amateur fishermen and tourist teams, will not let you down even in difficult conditions! Happy choice!