Axopar 37 C T-Top

Axopar 37 C T-Top

Axopar 37 C T-Top for sale

11,20 m
3,30 m
0,80 m
Cruising speed
35,00 kn
Max speed
45,00 kn
700 liters
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Estimate price

$ 72 500
Average price
Valuation based on average market value
$ 53 464$ 99 291
$ 589
  • $ 196 0.27%
  • $ 168 0.23%
  • $ 224 0.31%
  • $ 112 0.15%
  • $ 196 0.27%
  • $ 168 0.23%
  • $ 196 0.27%
$ 19 282
  • $ 3 264
  • $ 457
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 1 197
  • $ 1 197
  • $ 1 197
  • $ 7 617



This C & C is ready to sail! The centerboard is sealed in place at 4' 4". The owner at the time conferred with the factory before the modification was done. She sails great and points well! PHRF rated 96-99. Her last bottom job was May 2019, they applied Vivid antifouling paint. She was hauled in 2015, the paint removed and a new barrier coat was applied. The AC/DC wiring was replaced in 2015. The engine was replaced in 2015 and runs well! The bottom is cleaned every three weeks. Historically the boat was hauled annually for the winter until 2019 The fuel tank was cleaned and polished in 2019

Navigational Equipment

- Autopilot (Raymarine)
- Compass
- Covers - Display
- GPS / Plotter (Raymarine E95 W/ Weather)
- Masthead Light:
- Navigation Lights
- VHF (New B&G)
- Wind Instrument


- Bilge Pump
- Closed Water Cooling Sys.
- Date Of Engine Service (Dec. 2020)
- Engine Alarms
- Fuel Injected
- Holding Tanks
- Number Of Fuel Tanks (One)
- Oil Changing System (Factory Installed)
- Rudder
- Throttle/shift: Mech
- Water Tank

Electrical Systems

- 110v AC Outlets
- 12 V DC Outlets
- AC Electric Panel
- Battery Switch
- Battery Tender (Pro Mariner 5 Yrs Old)
- Fuel Gauge
- Hour Meter
- Number Of Batteries (5)
- Shore Power
- Shore Power Cord
- Solar Panel (10w)
- Stereo
- Tachometer
- Volt Meter
- Water Heater


- Cabin Lighting
- Cabinets
- Dinette
- Fridge/freezer In Counter
- Hanging Locker
- Head
- Mirror
- Nav Station
- Port Holes
- Pressurized Water System
- Shower (Separate)
- Sink - Cabin
- Stateroom - Aft
- Stove / Oven
- V Berth
- Water System - Foot Pump


- Bottom Paint Antifouling

Deck Gear

- Anchor
- Anchor Locker
- Anchor Rode
- Bimini
- Bow Rail
- Cleats - Fixed
- Cockpit Seating
- Compartment Storage
- Freshwater Washdown (In Cockpit)
- Non-skid Deck
- Propane Tanks
- Raw Water Washdown
- Sea Cocks
- Self Bailing Cockpit
- Steering Wheel
- Swim Ladder (Stern)

Safety Equipment

- Grab Rails
- Life Sling
- Yacht Certified


- Covers - Sail
- Main Sail
- Rigged For Single Handed
- Roller Furling Jib (135%)


- Backstay (Hydraulic Adjusting)
- Blocks
- Boom
- Boom Vang
- Chain Plates
- Forestay
- Stack Pack (2 Yrs Old)
- Lifelines
- Mast
- Rigging Hardware
- Running Rigging
- Sloop Rig
- Standing Rigging
- Traveler
- Winches - Manual

Total Power

30.0 hp

Stock #235703 -

1990 C & C 37/40+ Located in Venice, Florida

This proven racer has been enjoyed by her current owner for 16 years.

She is a great liveaboard as well, fully equipped with shore power, air conditioning, full galley, comfortable sleeping, and full head with a separate shower.

She has full instrumentation for cruising. She has plenty battery power, the onboard battery charger which was replaced in 2015, a 10w floating solar panel, a Raymarine E95 GPS, a weather instrument, and a new B&G VHF with a wireless remote mic.

For sails, she has a 14-year-old Dacron main that has good use left in her, a 135% two-year-old jib, and a two-year-old stackpack.

This listing has now been on the market a couple months. Please submit any and all offers today!

Reason for selling is purchasing another boat.

Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best.

We have several active listings for Hunter, Catalina, Beneteau, and Pearson. If you're in the Tampa, St. Petersburg, Brandon, or Cape Coral areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other sloop sailboat options we have locally that may meet your needs.

You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat.

Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.

$ 72 500
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Axopar 37 C T-Top for sale

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    Added: 18:21 10.03.2021
    Updated: 14:39 14.04.2021


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