Grand Soleil banks 36 classic

Grand Soleil banks 36 classic

Grand Soleil banks 36 classic for sale

11,23 m
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Estimate price

$ 52 500
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 92 839$ 172 416
$ 1 568
  • $ 477 0.91%
  • $ 569 1.08%
  • $ 523 1%
  • $ 523 1%
  • $ 569 1.08%
  • $ 408 0.78%
  • $ 777 1.48%
$ 22 400
  • $ 3 255
  • $ 3 632
  • $ 2 170
  • $ 2 170
  • $ 1 193
  • $ 1 193
  • $ 1 193
  • $ 7 594


Stock #229671 -

Only 80 photos shown. All 212 photos available on popyachts.com/view/229671

There are some boats that have been with us for so long and are so popular that they have attained Classic status. The Grand Banks 36 is one of those boats. She was the first model in the Grand Banks fleet and nearly 1200 have been built. The early ones were built of mahogany wood and starting in 1973 they were built of fiberglass. This model is an early fiberglass model.

This Grand Banks 36 Classic is powered by reliable twin Ford Lehman 120 Hp motors. This vessel will cruise economically at about 9 mph while burning approximately 3GPH. The hull is semi-displacement with a long keel and hard chines - that has a reputation for seaworthiness.

All inte ... [click "Watch the video" under Resource Links to visit our website for full description]

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Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best.

We have several active listings for Mainship, Chris-Craft, Sea Ray, and Marine Trader. If you're in the Tampa, St. Petersburg, Brandon, or Cape Coral areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other trawler options we have locally that may meet your needs.

You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat.

Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.

122 (+1)
$ 52 500
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Grand Soleil banks 36 classic for sale

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    Added: 16:50 13.03.2021
    Updated: 14:58 21.06.2021


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