Baha cruisers 296 king cat

Baha cruisers 296 king cat

Baha cruisers 296 king cat for sale

9,14 m
46 liters
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Estimate price

$ 134 000
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 60 744$ 112 810
$ 31 178
  • $ 9 359 6.98%
  • $ 12 988 9.69%
  • $ 8 831 6.59%
  • $ 2 909 2.17%
  • $ 2 277 1.7%
  • $ 1 908 1.42%
  • $ 1 071 0.8%
$ 11 958
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 222
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 652
  • $ 652
  • $ 652
  • $ 4 347


Stock #239248 -

This 2008 Baha cruiser 34 king cat has two newer Suzuki outboards with low hours four-stroke .

This cat is set up to be a charter boat with a large top over the back deck to stay out of the sun while grouper fishing. Also, it has full enclosure to keep you dry on the way out and back

It is laid out perfectly with the seats in the cabin to haul six people plus crew.

Everything is set up for fishing with storage in the deck for extra bait and ice and the large live well makes it easy to have an abundance of live bait when going offshore.

This listing has now been on the market 30 days. If you are thinking of making an offer, go ahead and submit it today! Let's make a deal!

Reason for selling is change of pace.

Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best.

We have several active listings for Luhrs, Sea Ray, Wellcraft, and Pursuit. If you're in the Alachua, Lake City, High Springs, or Newberry areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other power catamaran options we have locally that may meet your needs.

You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat.

Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.

$ 134 000
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Baha cruisers 296 king cat for sale

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    Added: 21:25 17.04.2021
    Updated: 21:25 17.04.2021


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