Hatteras 77 Convertible

Hatteras 77 Convertible

Hatteras 77 Convertible for sale

23,42 m
6,71 m
1,60 m
79,30 tonne
11 356 liters
Fresh water
1 438 liters
Name of boat
Dos Rosas
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Estimate price

$ 2 750 000
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 324 867$ 603 325
$ 639 848
  • $ 192 063 6.98%
  • $ 266 554 9.69%
  • $ 181 230 6.59%
  • $ 59 693 2.17%
  • $ 46 719 1.7%
  • $ 39 159 1.42%
  • $ 21 975 0.8%
$ 156 051
  • $ 30 427
  • $ 3 593
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 16 300
  • $ 10 975
  • $ 10 975
  • $ 10 975
  • $ 70 633


As you walk up to "Dos Rosas," you begin to realize that everything from the name to the boat itself, is evident of the owner’s personal attachment to this beautiful 77-ft 2008 Hatteras Enclosed Bridge Sportfish for the past 12 years.  Immediately noticeable is the freshly painted "fighting lady" hull sides of both the tender (a 2007 16-ft Egret flats boat) and the ‘mother ship’ that carries her, as well as the cloud-white topsides painted with Awl-craft 2000 (done in 2018), attracting everyone that sees her.  Then you will notice the meticulously refurbished teak cockpit with custom 5/8-inch deck boards planking and new teak covering boards (done in 2016).  The real showpiece of "deck jewelry" is the custom Release fighting chair with a 3" offset base made to fit perfectly for ample room to fish or change out the fighting chair for a cocktail table (not included) and have one of the most elegant aft decks of any motor yacht. And check out the full teak transom with Kelly Davis custom graphics!

The mezzanine seating on both sides of the salon entry features a removable table so guests can enjoy cocktails and watch the action in the cockpit from shaded comfort. A full PipeWelders tower with 4 hydraulic Super Rigger® spreaders that move in and out as well as up and down was installed in 2011.

Powered by reliable 2-MTU 16V2000 engines, “Dos Rosas” cruises comfortably at 25 knots at 1800 RPM with a burn rate of 130 GPH and a 445-mile range. The yacht also has a hydraulic American Bow thruster for ease of docking or maneuvering around on a fish.  Not bad for a 77-ft vessel with custom 5 state room/10 bed layout designed for luxurious comfort and fishability.  She has a 22-foot beam with a 2- degree deadrise and prop pockets that make this hull steady as a rock and able to get up on plane with ease.  Two Onan 27.5 KW generators ensure sufficient power and backup power is available, whether cruising or at anchor.

The hull is built on a solid fiberglass running surface with bi and triaxial cloth, isophthalic resins and a vinylester resin skin coat to prevent osmotic water intrusion into the laminate. Hatteras sandwiches Divinycell core into the decks, bulkheads, and freeboard. Then to top it off, the hull is completely painted inside and out (including the engine compartment) with polyurethane paint.  The Hatteras signature 8-bladed propellers provide a very smooth ride.

This truly is a one-of-a-kind Sport Fishing/Cruising Yacht with a proven track record of many wonderful days on the water. The present owner is reluctantly giving up “Dos Rosas” to move up to the next phase of his yachting life with his family. The same Captain has been at the helm for the past 11 years.

This 77 ft Hatteras Enclosed Bridge Sportfish truly is a spectacular fishing yacht, with the living space of a cockpit motor yacht, and is offered in Bristol condition.

Call for a personal appointment to see why we rave about “Dos Rosas” for yourself.

Do not miss the opportunity to see this special Hatteras.

223 (+1)
$ 2 750 000
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Hatteras 77 Convertible for sale

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    Added: 03:07 15.05.2021
    Updated: 12:48 20.05.2021


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