Custom B&B Yacht Designs Catamaran

Custom B&B Yacht Designs Catamaran

New Bern, United States

Custom B&B Yacht Designs Catamaran for sale

13,72 m
6,10 m
1,07 m
11 339,80 tonne
Name of boat
Silver Voyager
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Estimate price

$ 499 900
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 153 360$ 284 811
$ 106 753
  • $ 39 181 7.84%
  • $ 38 401 7.68%
  • $ 29 171 5.84%
  • $ 34 540 6.91%
  • $ 31 337 6.27%
  • $ 30 370 6.08%
  • $ 20 736 4.15%
$ 33 807
  • $ 6 529
  • $ 1 162
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 3 264
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 14 146


2014 B and B Yacht Design Custom Catamaran 45 SILVER VOYAGER


I was amazed at the quality of workmanship and materials used in this custom built catamaran. You will be too!!

Well documented on build info and photos here:  bandbyachtdesigns.com/past-projects/

“B&B Yacht Designs completed construction of a 45′ power cat in the spring of 2015. Silver Voyager was designed by Graham Byrnes and was built entirely in house at our shop in Bayboro, NC. The keel was laid and the paint was sprayed by us at our facility. Launched in late 2014, she floated perfectly on her lines and made all of her numbers. She is powered by a pair of 200hp Yanmar diesels and has a top speed of 23 knots and cruises at 15. She has enough fuel capacity for non-stop transatlantic cruising and all the comforts of home. Much of the final fitting out was well documented by her systems engineer Buck Wilde on the hull truth forum”

B&B Yacht Designs would be happy to sit and chat with a potential buyer about the build process and other details. B&B is a premier yacht builder in NC. Look at the photos in the listing brochure and see the thickness and use of space age materials and techniques. You will be impressed!

SILVER VOYAGER is a custom catamaran designed and built in NC using the most up-to-date materials and specifications for long term, safe cruising. The owner spared no expense in building the boat spending over one million dollars for his dream yacht. SILVER VOYAGER has safely and economically taken his family to the Bahamas and FL each year for the last several years but the time has come to reluctantly sell her. Look at the lines and bulbous bows! She is a beautiful yacht!

Do not miss this opportunity! Power catamarans are extremely safe and economical to operate and with transatlantic capabilities, SILVER VOYAGER will take you anywhere you want to go.




$ 499 900
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Custom B&B Yacht Designs Catamaran for sale

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    Added: 15:31 11.06.2021
    Updated: 08:17 04.10.2021


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