Chris-Craft Corsair 36 European Edition

Chris-Craft Corsair 36 European Edition

Chris-Craft Corsair 36 European Edition for sale

11,05 m
3,81 m
0,50 m
7,26 tonne
Cruising speed
25,00 kn
Max speed
41,00 kn
1 083 liters
Fresh water
189 liters
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Estimate price

$ 209 995
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 74 585$ 138 516
$ 26 361
  • $ 16 609 7.91%
  • $ 5 471 2.61%
  • $ 4 282 2.04%
  • $ 3 589 1.71%
  • $ 2 014 0.96%
  • $ 466 0.22%
  • $ 666 0.32%
$ 19 145
  • $ 3 260
  • $ 346
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 195
  • $ 1 195
  • $ 1 195
  • $ 7 607


Fresh Water Low Hour (140hrs) Chris Craft Corsair!!

A retro classic she may be, but in the performance stakes, she’s a beast. Powered by twin 8.1lt 425hp Mercury MAG HO, driving through counter-rotating Duo-Prop sterndrives, this 36-footer has a top speed of almost 50 knots.

This should be more than enough grunt to keep the rev heads happy.

Turn the key and the throaty rumble of the twin V8s greets the ears. This is a driver’s boat and that distinctive V8 sound is all part of the experience. Flick a switch and the muffled sound becomes a thundering rumble that gives some insight into the power concealed below her deck.

This 36-foot boat has the speed and handling of a ski boat. Throw her hard into a turn and she comes effortlessly around in little more than her own length. Her 20-degree dead-rise hull has large, aggressive, down-turned chines, which aid stability, ensure she tracks like a rocket sled on rails and more importantly, keeps the ride dry, even in extremely choppy conditions.

The hydraulic steering takes all the hard work out of the helm, which is light and silky smooth, as are the Ultra Flex throttle and gear levers.

From a standing start this hull pops onto the plane in seconds, without any excessive bow-up attitude. Although the boat is fitted with recessed trim tabs, during this test with two people onboard, the well-balanced hull maintained perfect lateral stability and the tabs weren’t needed.

Her crisp, responsive handling makes her a pleasure to drive and ensures that even flat-out, the driver ‘feels’ completely in control of the boat. At no time does this hull get flighty, so the thrill of on-water speed is always there if you want to push it. Vibration and noise Forget it! This solid boat’s hull slices through the water cleanly with little running noise, even when flat-out. But throttle back to a more conservative cruising speed of 32 knots and the Corsair 36 has a range of around 274 nautical miles.

139 (+2)
$ 209 995
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Chris-Craft Corsair 36 European Edition for sale

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    Added: 08:23 15.09.2021
    Updated: 16:27 03.10.2021


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