Chaparral 290 Signature

Chaparral 290 Signature

Chaparral 290 Signature for sale

8,84 m
2,78 m
0,84 m
4,10 tonne
Cruising speed
20,00 kn
Max speed
35,00 kn
329 liters
Fresh water
110 liters
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Estimate price

$ 33 500
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 37 519$ 69 678
$ 230
  • $ 77 0.23%
  • $ 77 0.23%
  • $ 77 0.23%
  • $ 77 0.23%
  • $ 102 0.31%
  • $ 90 0.27%
  • $ 77 0.23%
$ 10 507
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 170
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 1 088
  • $ 544
  • $ 544
  • $ 544
  • $ 3 264

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
26.02.2022$ 33 500$ 33 500-
04.12.2021$ 35 000$ 35 000+$ 1 500

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Mechanical Equipment

She has twin 350 mercruiser motors, twin hydraulic external steering, hydraulic twin tabs, fuel injection, bimini top, bridge enclosure, cockpit cover, side canvas, battery charger –triple 10 amp, and Remote control spotlight and remote operated anchor. Owner add-on: Elite-12Ti2 US Inland, Active Imaging 3-in-01 Fish Finder. Has a widescreen display that delivers powerful sonar and navigation technology including Lowrang CHIRP sonar support for Active Imaging and FishReveal, plus built-in high-detail US Inland charts and Genesis Live onscreen mapping! Upgradeable–a Fisherman’s dream!


Sleeps  6. Seats 12.

Inside has 2 state rooms -main bedroom has custom mattress. Other features include microwave oven, pressure water system, AC and Heating System 16,0000, refrigerator –AC/DC -6 cu. ft, kitchen sink, 2 burner stove. Full size bathroom with sink, shower and toilet. Awesome sound system wit a place for a TV. New lock for cabin doors.

Her name is ANGEL G and she’s stylish and cruises beautifully through Smith Mountain Lake! She’s the Perfect get-away to anchor out in a cove on the water, or just sleep in while docked! AND she’s for SALE!

This Vessel is Documented by the US Coast Guard. She has twin 350 mercruiser motors, twin hydraulic external steering, hydraulic twin tabs, fuel injection, bimini top, bridge enclosure, cockpit cover, side canvas, battery charger –triple 10 amp, and Remote control spotlight and remote operated anchor. Owner add-on: Elite-12Ti2 US Inland, Active Imaging 3-in-01 Fish Finder. Has a widescreen display that delivers powerful sonar and navigation technology including Lowrang CHIRP sonar support for Active Imaging and FishReveal, plus built-in high-detail US Inland charts and Genesis Live onscreen mapping! Upgradeable–a Fisherman’s dream! (worth $1499).

Inside has 2 state rooms -main bedroom has custom mattress. Other features include microwave oven, pressure water system, AC and Heating System 16,0000, refrigerator –AC/DC -6 cu. ft, kitchen sink, 2 burner stove. Full size bathroom with sink, shower and toilet. Awesome sound system with a place for a TV. Length is 31 ft, Beam is 9.9 ft. Life jackets, throw pillow, bumpers also included. Regular maintenance has been kept up. New lock for cabin doors. Sleeps 6 comfortably. Seats 12 maximum.

Maintenance and Repairs:

10/20 -Replaced Gimbel Housing, Champion RV 15YC4 Spark plug, Spark plug Wire Kit, Water pump kit, Carrier Assembly Seal, U-Joint Assembly Bravo, Module -Dist. Ignition, O-Ring, Oil Filter, Fuel Filter, Oil Motor SAE 40, 3M Oil Sorb Pads, Shutter Assembly, Gasket, Battery Switch, 16-14 Fast HS Butt Connector, Bilge Pump, Inline Fuse Holder, Anti Siphon Valve 38, Replacement Battery Holddowns, Hoses, Fuel Sender Trim Pump Bracket, and Throttle Body with Injectors. Also put in Star-Tron Gass Additive, and Quickleen Engine & Fuel Cleaner.

11/20 - Rebuilt Propellers, Transom Assymble, and Unit Gear Oil

7/21 - Cleaned/Sand and paint below waterline.

Asking price is $33,500. An appointment is needed to see this vessel. For an appointment, contact Wendy Royer with Halesford Harbour Marine & RV at 434-665-0646 or wroyer2@yahoo.com.

$ 33 500
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Chaparral 290 Signature for sale

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    Added: 00:23 11.11.2021
    Updated: 00:42 28.03.2023


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