Stamas tarpon 290

Stamas tarpon 290

Stamas tarpon 290 for sale

8,81 m
2,96 m
220 liters
Fresh water
35 liters
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Estimate price

$ 84 250
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 44 327$ 82 322
$ 5 812
  • $ 2 383 2.83%
  • $ 1 865 2.21%
  • $ 1 563 1.86%
  • $ 877 1.04%
  • $ 203 0.24%
  • $ 290 0.34%
  • $ 378 0.45%
$ 10 507
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 170
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 1 088
  • $ 544
  • $ 544
  • $ 544
  • $ 3 264

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
09.07.2022$ 84 250$ 84 250-
06.06.2022$ 85 000$ 85 000+$ 750
04.06.2022$ 87 500$ 87 500+$ 2 500

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date



I have all of the factory upholstery for the front and the table that house with it. Fresh water and raw water wash downs. Boat gets 1.7 to 1.9 mpg very efficient. 

Mechanical Equipment

2021 electronics

12" Garmin , 9" Garmin, Garmin auto pilot GHC 20 w/ 2.1 smart pump. Garmin 18hd radar, fusion radio w/ JL sub and speakers. Transom lights

Navigation Systems

Selling my 2005 Stamas 270 Tarpon with twin 200 Yamahas. The boat and motors have 400 hrs. All electronics have been replace last year (12” Garmin, 9” Garmin, 18 mile Radar, 1k Airmar through hull, GHP20 Garmin auto pilot w/ 2.1 pump, Fusion stereo, JL sub and speakers). T-Top canvas was replaced last year also. The trailer is a triple axel McClain alum trailer (all bearings and hubs replaced 2 months ago). The counter rotation lowers unit was replaced 1 month ago with a Yamaha OEM (was making a noise the boat shop couldn’t figure out so just replaced it). I have a new In The box standard rotation that will go with the boat. There is a entire custom made boat cover that comes with it also. Just added transom lights the other day. I will get more pictures next weekend when I take it out. Please call with any questions. This boat is ready to fish today. I have clear Texas title in hand. 

The Stamas 270 Tarpon is rugged, functional, and completely rigged to fish including an integrated dive platform with one of the largest stern bait stations available. This finely tuned fishing craft is packed with features including a leaning post with rod holders, four insulated overboard draining fishwells, a livewell with a recirculating system, a saltwater washdown, and a tackle box. Like all Stamas center consoles, the 270 is designed to be all sport without forgetting comfort details like a step-down, enclosed head compartment.

60 (+1)
$ 84 250
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Stamas tarpon 290 for sale

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    Added: 04:07 04.06.2022
    Updated: 23:38 09.07.2022


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