
Schucker 436 for sale

12,19 m
4,00 m
1,12 m
793,00 tonne
757 liters
Fresh water
757 liters
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Estimate price

$ 26 500
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 44 883$ 83 354
$ 1 019
  • $ 418 1.58%
  • $ 262 0.99%
  • $ 340 1.28%
  • $ 262 0.99%
  • $ 229 0.86%
  • $ 273 1.03%
  • $ 251 0.95%
$ 25 489
  • $ 4 347
  • $ 2 452
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 521
  • $ 1 521
  • $ 1 521
  • $ 9 780

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
30.01.2023$ 26 500$ 26 500-
16.08.2022$ 27 900$ 27 900+$ 1 400
01.07.2022$ 32 000$ 32 000+$ 4 100

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Navigation Systems


Lowrance depthsounder

Unimetrics marine hailer.
West Marine 580 DSC VHF radio

The boat uses an IPAD for navigation

A Ritchie compass is installed at the helm.

Galley Equipment


double stainless steel wink



Additional Equipment

DC and AC panels and breakers

refrigerator/freezer is installed in the galley. ProMariner ProSport 12 automatic marine battery charger 

Misc safety and other equip

Mechanical Equipment

A 12 volt anchor windlass is installed at the foredeck

docking lights, windshield wiper, etc



A coastal cruiser or week-end get-away harbor live-aboard. Classic 42 ft 1977 Motorsailer sloop built by the Schucker Yacht Corporation includes Pilothouse, queen size bed, settee, two sleeping cabins and plenty of deck space. With a streamlined hull design, the boat glides through the water beautifully. Photos are attached. Powerful inboard Cummins long block engine is in excellent running condition with only approximately 100 hours of use on the new engine block. The engine starts up instantly every time. and sips diesel frugally. The Duet has navigated up and down the Atlantic coast and the islands, with family members living aboard recently including one year right next to the Statue of Liberty, and another year in the harbor at Portsmouth, RI. She was purchased in Mystic, CT. The Duet is currently in the water in its slip in Westerly, RI for the spring and summer season. It is maintained every year by the marina and most recently bottom painted just weeks ago. An independent boat survey and assessment completed in 2019 recommended an assessed market value of $35,000. Our current asking price is $26,500 or best offer, as is. Future maintenance items, which the new owner might want to consider going forward, could include upgrading existing to a new marine water heater and head and a new fuel tank. A rough estimate the of cost of these upgrades, if desired, might be in the range of $3,000. Fresh paint on the gunwales would also look nice. The Duet is charming, fun, and rugged.


56 (+4)
$ 26 500
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Schucker 436 for sale

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    Added: 15:34 01.07.2022
    Updated: 17:20 08.05.2023


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