Silverton 36 Convertible

Silverton 36 Convertible

Silverton 36 Convertible for sale

11,46 m
3,99 m
0,99 m
8,40 tonne
286 liters
Fresh water
94 liters
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Estimate price

$ 159 900
Good price
Valuation based on average market value
$ 143 140$ 265 832
$ 31 723
  • $ 16 663 10.42%
  • $ 11 329 7.09%
  • $ 3 732 2.33%
  • $ 2 920 1.83%
  • $ 2 448 1.53%
  • $ 1 374 0.86%
  • $ 318 0.2%
$ 20 575
  • $ 3 255
  • $ 397
  • $ 2 170
  • $ 2 170
  • $ 1 302
  • $ 1 302
  • $ 1 302
  • $ 8 679

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
16.11.2022$ 159 900$ 159 900-
09.09.2022$ 169 900$ 169 900+$ 10 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date



two staterooms

one head/shower , split

fold out couch in salon

Mechanical Equipment

7.5 kohler gen

two A/C units

bow thruster

The main cabin on the 36 Convertible is furnished with an Ultraleather sofa, upholstered settee, cherry table and cabinetry. The efficiently organized galley is also a surprise, featuring amenities to make travelers self-sufficient. You will marvel, too, at the roominess of the 36 Convertible's master stateroom with centerline queen-sized berth, hanging locker, and private access to the dry head. A separate stall shower makes efficient use of space ? and time ? aboard this versatile boat. The skipper of this stylish sprinter can choose to experience the elements on the unusually large bridge, with room for a complement of bridge visitors, or below, in the optional lower helm station ? out of reach of inclement weather and an unkindly sea. Its bench seat converts electrically to supplement the dinette settee.

Motivated seller, will consider all offers!!

87 (+2)
$ 159 900
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Silverton 36 Convertible for sale

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    Added: 18:08 09.09.2022
    Updated: 15:32 01.03.2023


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