Zodiac Cadet RIB Alu 300 DL

Zodiac Cadet RIB Alu 300 DL

Zodiac Cadet RIB Alu 300 DL for sale

2,93 m
2,10 m
0,30 m
3 liters
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Estimate price

$ 5 500
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 2 972$ 5 519
$ 1 833
  • $ 1 073 19.5%
  • $ 473 8.6%
  • $ 287 5.22%
  • $ 161 2.93%
  • $ 176 3.2%
  • $ 246 4.48%
  • $ 242 4.39%
$ 2 206
  • $ 0
  • $ 33
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 0
  • $ 0
  • $ 0
  • $ 0
  • $ 0


Additional Equipment

Angor and rode. Foot operated Inflator. 3 Gal Gas tank

Deck and Hull Equipment

Oar locks w/ included aluminum paddles

Foot operated inflator


Easily carrys 5 people. very stable

Why buy a new Dinghy? Like New Infatable aluminum RIB , and ready to go.  No 6 month waiting for a new order!
    We bought this Zodiac and hung it on the back of our Hunter Sailboat Davits for year or so, Never used it until this past August I left out of Jacksonville Fl, went to St Augustine and anchored out. Used it to make two trips to the pier. Left Saint Augustine for Bahamas and a week Later my sailboat sunk, and I used the Zodiac as a life raft 60 miles out off the coast of Cape Canaveral. It was super stable even in huge Sea rollers. I drifted for about 4 hours until a US Coast Guard cutter hauled me and the Zodiac aboard.
 This Zodiac is practically New, still has the first tank of gas in it I bought, that's how much it hasn't been used.  Starts with a .5 second bump of the starter.  5 amp alternater. and also can bestarted with a piece of line on flywheel.
The fuel tank is located in forward locker and I ran the fuel line under the floor so it's a clean looking install. The battery is a little big, it's what I had on hand but you could use a small Lithium starter pack or a tiny Motorcycle Batter. I'll include the battery and the battery box so you can enjoy the boat right away. 

The trailer isn't included as we cannot find the title to the trailer.
Title for the boat is in hand.

  I can deliver within 400 miles, help you get it in the water or on your yacht, and bring my trailer home.

No Leaks, Nothing wrong with this boat.
Includes the Zodiac Paddles, Small Danforth Anchor and rode. Includes the Foot operated Pump and a patch kit. Includes a four point harness to hoist with davits. Also includes the Outboard lock so engine cannot be removed without key, all stainless steel.

120 (+1)
$ 5 500
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Zodiac Cadet RIB Alu 300 DL for sale

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    Added: 15:46 16.09.2022
    Updated: 23:54 18.09.2022


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