Hydrolift C-33 Cab

Hydrolift C-33 Cab

Hydrolift C-33 Cab for sale

10,06 m
3,23 m
0,80 m
Cruising speed
55,00 kn
Max speed
75,00 kn
25 liters
Fresh water
25 liters
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Estimate price

$ 24 900
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 123 864$ 230 033
$ 801
  • $ 327 1.32%
  • $ 253 1.02%
  • $ 221 0.89%
  • $ 263 1.06%
  • $ 242 0.97%
  • $ 242 0.97%
  • $ 263 1.06%
$ 15 346
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 871
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 869
  • $ 869
  • $ 869
  • $ 5 433


Additional Equipment

16 amp  shore power service with three duplex outlets

500 watt inverer ( can power laptops, charge phones, entertainment systems

2- 100 amp hour deep cycle batteries

electronic battery monitor

800 mamp automatic battery tender/charger 

Standard Horizon Marine VHF 25 watt radio

wind scoop

mosquito screens

boat hook



Galley Equipment

Hillerman gimbaled achohol 3 burner stove/ oven

manual fresh water foot pump 

built in ice box. 



Deck and Hull Equipment

Cockpit winches

2- Brient two speed size 28 self tailing

2 - Brient two speed size 26

2 - Brient single speed  size 20 self tailing

Cabin Top Winches

1 - Brient single speed  size 16 (main sail halyard)

3 - Brient two speed  size 21 

6 Type II adult size PDF, 2 Type II small child size PDF

10 Type III PDFs of various sizes from youth to XXLarge adult

2 Type  IV trowable cushions

1 man overboard recovery sling

man overboard flag, 

flare pistol

man overboard floating self activated strobe,

 2 BC Size I fire extinuishers

Harken Mk III jib sail furling system with duel track cowling

5 head sails,  a furling low cut 150 genoa, a furling 110 jib sail, non furling 130, & 110  racing sail and an a storm jib. All sails are dacron

3 spinakers, 2-  size 180 .5 0z and 3/4 oz  for fight and normal winds and 1 - size 165 1.5 oz heavy wind 

2 jib halyards, 1 spin halyard, main halyard




25 gallon fexible fresh water tank

portable potty  (8 Liter)

can sleep 6 adults

head sink with hand operated fresh water pump


Mechanical Equipment

Signet Marine tiller autopilot

swim ladder

15' Magnum charcaol grill stantion mounted

4 Kg Bruce anchor with 150' 1/2" line and 10Ft of chain

25 Lb Danforth with 300' of 3/4" line and 20' of 5/16" chain


Navigation Systems

Garmin NMEA 2000 network w/ 2 GMI 10 displays

GPS 19X  GPS antena

GWS 10 wind speed, direction, air temp and pressure

Airmar DST 200 water speed, depth and termperature

This boat is ready to cruise or race.  Engine is original boat equipment but recently overhauled. Full set of sails for racing in all wind conditions, Interior refurbished, Topside deck has new non skid finish, all deck penertrations including chainplates, tracks, hatches, and deck fittings have been recently waterproofed.  ten winches, five jibs, three spinakers, back stay has ratcheting tensioner, baby stay to control mast bend, jib sheets are low stretch kevlar core, all running rigginG for spinaker operation onboard. This boat is waiting for the a owner who loves to race and well as cruise.    

$ 24 900
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Hydrolift C-33 Cab for sale

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    Added: 09:20 31.01.2023
    Updated: 20:38 04.04.2023


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