Starcraft Marine MX 23 R

Starcraft Marine MX 23 R

Starcraft Marine MX 23 R for sale

7,04 m
2,62 m
953,00 tonne
30 liters
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Estimate price

$ 42 000
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 22 158$ 41 151
$ 6 688
  • $ 1 848 4.4%
  • $ 2 018 4.8%
  • $ 2 823 6.72%
  • $ 2 768 6.59%
  • $ 2 713 6.46%
  • $ 2 061 4.91%
  • $ 2 440 5.81%
$ 6 636
  • $ 1 088
  • $ 215
  • $ 2 176
  • $ 0
  • $ 326
  • $ 326
  • $ 326
  • $ 2 176

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
07.04.2023$ 42 000$ 42 000-
26.02.2023$ 45 000$ 45 000+$ 3 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date



Bimini top, boat cover, removable table, ski/tow pedestal,Infinity Bluetooth multi-speaker sound system with aft controls & multi function chart/fish finder/SOG electronics, tilt steering wheel, dual batteries with battery 1/2/ALL/OFF switch, heavy duty swim ladder with large aft platform 

Tritoon with Yamaha VMax SHO 200 with upgraded tuning chip to 300hp+

The boat is 6 years old and has normal wear and tear on the starboard bow seating and a seam on the aft lounge chair on the port side needs to be restitched. 
I am selling "AS IS" and have lowered my original asking price of $45k to $42k ($3k discount to address the upholstry)

This is a great all-around family boat value with normal wear. If you are looking for perfect and brand new, you will pay a at least $25k more for a comparable new boat. This is a great tritoon that cruises at 35mph loaded and top end of 43.3mph with clean toons. 

With the MX 23 L Tri-toon boat, you're sure to be turning heads.  Features like the luxurious rear loungers and a full widescreen console station will keep you comfortable for a day on the water.  Cruise across the lake or fly across it with the help of the award winning HMX performance strakes that come standard on any MX pontoon boat.  With sport car like handling, this boat is sure to put thrilling style at your fingertips.

$ 42 000
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Starcraft Marine MX 23 R for sale

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    Added: 20:20 26.02.2023
    Updated: 02:34 21.05.2023


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