

Company History

When in 1946, William Morse made his first boat in the aviation hangar of the American little Falls (Minnesota), it is unlikely he could have foreseen what the future awaits his company. The history of the brand Crestliner is a long chain of changes of names and owners of the shipyard, which, however, did not prevent the chief innovation, technology development and market expansion. The portfolio of the shipyard for the 60-70 years we can see models of the gaining popularity of the fiberglass, but today the company is known thanks to the work with aluminium alloys and implementation of technologies of production of welded hulls. Today Crestliner is part of the Brunswick Corporation and is one of the market leaders in its segment.

The Lineup

Leaving aside the quite specific (but cute) pontoons, we find Crestliner, perhaps, any model that meets the demands of angler-riverman different degrees of training. It's mostly outdoor light >aluminium boats >outboard motor for inland waters in length from 3.7 to 6.7 meters, including >for fishing in shallow water. Advanced models Crestliner is just Packed with all sorts of "chips" for comfortable fishing and demonstrate a truly American approach to the construction of boats of this type.


Crestliner was one of the first abandoned the traditional studs and adopted the production technology of welded aluminum boats, which allowed not only to make housing more durable and solid, but also to facilitate the implementation of other useful design solutions. These include a good stringer system stiffness of buildings, specialized durable Board, chatrichalerm hull design. It is therefore quite natural that the shipyard provides a lifetime warranty on their boats.

Modèles de yacht


Longueur 2.57 m4 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 4.88 m4 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 4.88 m4 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 4.88 m5 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 5.03 m5 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 5.49 m4 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 6.15 m6 Passagers2013 - 2025

Modèles de production abandonnés

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