

  • États-Unis
  • Monterey Boats

a New Builder, inspired by the motto of "Quality, design, ease in use!", start your journey with three models. After 2 years the firm adjusts the design of their boats, carrying their now more familiar to Europeans, Mediterranean style. Now this is a Monterey style. Very sharp nose, licked the corners of the sides and crinoline — typical features of "Montereau", especially pronounced in bourgeron and Junior sportboats. Flashy appearance, a wide variety of models, reasonable price... — Monterey is becoming a fashionable brand. In 1994, with 14 models, the company is building a second production building. However, in order to less likely to twitch due to lack of space, soon, the shipyard moved to Williston (FL) — shop area of 18600 sq. m. But the free space stood idle for long: with the introduction of a proprietary Air Assist Chine (special profile of the bottom to facilitate planing) boats, Monterey has received new impetus for development and production loading.

Modèles de yacht


Longueur 6.65 m10 Passagers
Longueur 7.04 m2013 - 2025
Longueur 7.90 m2013 - 2025
Longueur 8.80 m10 Passagers2013 - 2025
Longueur 8.80 m1 Cabine8 Passagers

Modèles de production abandonnés

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