7 most picturesque lighthouses in the world
Denis Korablev
  • 04.11.2020
  • 593

7 most picturesque lighthouses in the world

Lighthouses are the main coastal landmarks for navigators of past eras, indicating that the land is very close. Today, they serve as a romantic reminder of the past, attracting travelers who dream of conquering new countries. Lighthouses have withstood the onslaught of the elements for hundreds of years, and millions of tourists are eager to visit them for breathtaking views.

The most ancient of the existing lighthouses on earth is the Tower of Hercules located on the coast of Spain near the city of La Coruña with a height of about 41 m, built by the ancient Romans around the 1st century AD.

Most modern lighthouses no longer work, and the rest are equipped with automated equipment, and they no longer need the work of keepers. Many of the lighthouses are becoming objects of tourism and cultural heritage and are being replaced by modern navigation technologies. Nevertheless, lighthouses are unique engineering and architectural objects that adorn coastal landscapes and are worthy of the attention of yachtsmen and tourists.

In this article 2yachts offers a look at 7 of the most beautiful lighthouses, each of which is worth a visit to see with my own eyes, because even the highest quality photographic image is not able to convey the picturesque atmosphere with which these objects attract people.


Iceland's Stubneswitz Lighthouse is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula and is a unique decoration of this icy coastline.

Its height is only 11.5 m, but thanks to its bright orange coloring the ships can see it from afar.

Overall, Iceland is famous for its unique lighthouses scattered along the coast. Most of them continue to work today.

Southern Stack

The South Stack Lighthouse in Great Britain was built in 1809 and has a height of 28 m. In 1938 it was full electrification, and today the structure is equipped with automated equipment and operates without a caretaker. The lighthouse houses a museum that you can visit at any time if you wish. Every 10 seconds, a emitter at the top of the structure is triggered to help ships navigate the sea. The sound signal of this beacon works during fog, notifying sailors every 30 seconds, its audibility is 2 nautical miles.


Lange lighthouse in Belgium is one of the most famous in the country, the height of the structure is 65 m. Throughout history, the structure was rebuilt twice, each time it was destroyed during military operations - in the First and Second World Wars ... Today, the Lange lighthouse serves as a unique decoration of the Belgian coast and regularly sends its rays of light into the distance, signaling ships about the proximity of land.


Hatteras Lighthouse is located on the cape of the same name in America and is famous for its mystical history. The lighthouse is located on the territory of the Cape Hatteras National Reserve. Visitors to the lighthouse have a unique view of the Atlantic coast, which is nicknamed the "Atlantic Cemetery" in this place. And this is not without reason, because over the past five centuries, more than 2 thousand ships have sunk here, crashed on rock ledges in the shallows.

This area is characterized by extremely difficult conditions for navigation, since the cold Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream meet here, forming constantly shifting shoals, frequent storms and fogs.


Dondra Lighthouse is located on the cape of the same name near the city of Matara, which is the southernmost point of the island of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. This lighthouse is one of the highest in Southeast Asia and is currently operational. The construction project was developed by the British during the colonial period, and all building materials were imported from England.

The height of the structure is 49 m, and the shape looks like an octahedral pyramid. In 2000, the lighthouse was modernized and connected to other lighthouses along the coast with a modern computerized network. Every day hundreds of ships sail near the Dondra lighthouse, using it for navigation. The circular observation deck, located at a height of 10 floors, offers a picturesque view of the coast of the island, and from here you can also see blue whales during their migration periods. You can visit the lighthouse by agreeing with the caretaker about the cost of the remuneration and paying him.

Beachy Head Lighthouse

Beachy Head Lighthouse is located on the English Channel, surrounded by a unique landscape and the Seven Sisters. The origin of the name has French roots and means the phrase "beautiful cape".

The cliff height here reaches 156 m, and this is the tallest chalk cliff in England. Beachy Head is regularly visited by tourists who observe the unparalleled views of the coastline from the top of the cliff.

Heceta Lighthouse

The Heseta Lighthouse was built in 1894 and is now listed on the US National Register of Historic Places. The 62.5 m high lighthouse is operational and casts bright light into the sea over a distance of about 21 miles. Heseta Lighthouse is considered the most photographed lighthouse in the United States. The modern building of the lighthouse houses a hotel where you can dine and stay overnight. Every year, tourists and adventurous travelers flock here to enjoy expansive views and traditional Oregon cuisine.

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