7 most picturesque lighthouses in the world
Denis Korablev
  • 04.11.2020
  • 593

7 most picturesque lighthouses in the world

Lighthouses are the main coastal landmarks for navigators of past eras, indicating that the land is very close. Today they serve as a romantic reminder of the past, attracting travelers who dream of conquering new countries.
The best maritime museums in Europe
Denis Korablev
  • 30.10.2020
  • 2,057

The best maritime museums in Europe

Traveling on a yacht in Europe, you should definitely see picturesque landscapes and beautiful views, clear sea and interesting places for coastal diving, as well as taste delicious national cuisine in luxurious coastal restaurants.
8 of the UK's most exciting yachting destinations
Denis Korablev
  • 29.04.2020
  • 521

8 of the UK's most exciting yachting destinations

Great Britain has a huge number of bays, harbors and bays. The islands of the country offer extensive opportunities for yachting, but the main limitation can be the weather, which often presents unpleasant surprises.