The best maritime museums in Europe
Denis Korablev
  • 30.10.2020
  • 2,056

The best maritime museums in Europe

Traveling on a yacht in Europe, you should definitely see picturesque landscapes and beautiful views, clear sea and interesting places for coastal diving, as well as taste delicious national cuisine in luxurious coastal restaurants. But do not forget that while staying in one of the European marinas, you can not only stroll along the old streets, but also visit the famous maritime museums in order to learn a lot of interesting and informative from the history of navigation. 2yachts invites you to consider a list of the most interesting maritime museums in Europe, which can surprise you with the scale and wide variety of exhibits.

National Maritime Museum London

The National Maritime Museum is the largest history museum in Great Britain, and allows its visitors to get acquainted with the history of the most powerful maritime power by demonstrating the history of organizing and conducting marine research and expeditions.

The museum collection contains more than 2 million exhibits, including ship models on a fairly large scale, maps, manuscripts, medieval weapons, navigational instruments, ship artillery, ingenious ship gadgets, as well as maritime art. On the territory adjacent to the museum, there are catering and recreation establishments, where you will always be offered traditional English black tea.

It is noteworthy that the entrance to the largest museum in London is free and you can visit it on any chosen day from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Only special exhibitions are paid for, the prices for visiting which depend on their topic and popularity. If necessary, you can book a guided tour of the National Maritime Museum by sending an application to the organization's email address.

National Maritime Museum of Holland

The National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam was opened in 1973 by Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands in a building erected in 1656. In 2007 the museum underwent a major renovation and was reopened in 2011. Today, the museum houses exhibits that testify to more than 500 years of the history of the Netherlands from the days of whaling to the modern life of the sea harbor of Amsterdam.

One of the most interesting is the exposition dedicated to the "Golden Age" and, in particular, the magnificent sailing ship called "Amsterdam", available for visiting and inspecting the equipment and interior arrangement of the vessel. It also houses a impressive collection of paintings featuring great naval battles, portraits of Holland's greatest sailors, and a unique collection of 18th century maps. In addition, museum visitors can see an extensive collection of globes, navigational aids, and written sources on navigation.

The pride of the museum is the exhibition of sailing and rowing boats, as well as life-size replicas of sailing ships. At the Maritime Museum, you can take a virtual journey into the world of pirates and sea battles in an interactive game called Life Aboard. Those who wish to keep a piece of the museum can buy battle trophies in the form of souvenirs sold in the local souvenir shop.

National Fleet Museum in France

The French National Fleet Museum, located in Paris, is highly regarded by true history buffs. The museum contains 3.5 thousand various exhibits, testifying to the rich maritime history of the state. There are also branches in other regions of the country.

In 1748, a collection of replica ship models was shown to King Louis XV by the naval inspector Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau, after which it was shown in the Louvre for the cadets of the local military school to observe.

With the consent of the king, the Sea Hall was organized in the Louvre, and since that time the museum has been leading its history.

One of the main exhibits of the museum is a replica of the infamous Titanic ship and other famous ships, such as the battleship Missouri and the aircraft carrier Nimitz. The placement of the exhibits allows visitors to get an idea of the evolution of shipbuilding in France by looking at one model after another. In addition, visitors can touch the history of the emergence and development of the French submarine fleet.

Among the most valuable exhibits are the mock-up of the frigate "La Belle Poule", on board of which the remains of the commander Napoleon were left in France, the mock-up of the ship "Santa Maria" belonging to the discoverer of America H. Columbus, as well as replica of the battleship "Louis XV" with a beautiful and rich finish.

Naval History Museum in Italy

The Naval History Museum is located in Venice and tells its visitors about the rich history of the Italian navy. The museum is considered the most important landmark of the city and consists of three buildings, located in turn, and the 4th building is located perpendicular to the first. The museum was founded in 1919 with the support of the city authorities.

The backbone of the collection is the "Model House" exposition of the Venetian Arsenal shipyard, which displays ship models, as well as weapons and trophies of the Republic of Venice. The total area of the exhibitions is 4 thousand square meters. m. and is divided into subject blocks (42 halls in total):

  • Exhibition of war spoils from the First World War;
  • Buchintoro's boat on the 2nd floor, lavishly decorated with gold decorations and sculptures;
  • Swedish Hall;
  • Hall of ships, which contains ships from different historical eras.

Maritime Museum of Portugal

The Maritime Museum of Portugal is the oldest museum in the country, with a collection dating back to the 18th century. Today the collection numbers 18 thousand exhibits reflecting the theme of the great geographical discoveries - the "golden period" in the history of the state. Museum visitors can observe the evolution of national shipbuilding and navigation.

The exposition contains detailed models of ships, navigational maps, instruments and other items that have witnessed that era. The Portuguese Navy exhibition is the centerpiece of the exhibition and contains a variety of ships, as well as weapons and uniforms from various eras. It also presents the history of commercial fishing and fleet aviation.

The first hall is dedicated to discoverers, the Geographical Discovery Hall contains memorabilia and models of old ships and reflects the Age of Discovery that started at 15 in the Age of Discovery.

The Great Sailing Ships Hall contains an extensive collection of sailing ship models. The 19th and 20th century hall displays models of ships from this period, ship armament, navigation equipment and military uniforms. In the hall of the modern fleet, in addition to the models of modern ships, there are already outdated ships of the period of the colonial wars of the 2nd half of the 20th century.

In the open sea fishing hall, all exhibits are dedicated to the cod fishing, which dates back to the 15th century. The main exhibits in this hall are large fishing trawlers such as Santa Maria Manuela, Argus and Creoula. Also of interest is the Royal Cabins Room, where you can view the real cabins once used by King Carlos and Queen Amelia. Among the items for filling the cabins are crystal, porcelain, as well as paintings painted by King Carlos I.

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