Best yachting books
Denis Korablev
  • 23.02.2021
  • 766

Best yachting books

Books about yachting give an understanding of boat management, navigation and reading nautical charts, the basics of sailing, etc. In this article, the command 2yachts presents a selection of fiction and educational literature about yachting, most of which was published at the peak of the popularity of sailing in the Soviet Union. Despite the fact that many editions were issued during the 60-80s of the last century, they do not lose their relevance and, if necessary, can be successfully used by yachtsmen.

Yacht helmsman school (1987)

The book is dedicated to beginners and masters in sailing and was prepared by the following authors: N.V. Grigorieva, D.N. Korovelsky and E.P. Leontieva. Despite the fact that sail is no longer a dominant position at sea, the art of sailing is still of interest to many yachtsmen. This is true already because there are still a large number of sailing enthusiasts (especially among young people), which is an excellent means of education. This book is dedicated to everyone interested in this romantic sport.

The 1987 edition highlights such points as: the classification of sailing yachts, their differences in hull shape, steering gear and centerboard, sails, rigging, knots, ship works, yacht care during navigation , planing, yachtsman's clothing, shooting from anchor and anchoring, etc.

Training of a yachtsman-racer (1981)

Published by Larin Yu.A. and Pilchin Yu.V. details and secrets of professional training of yachtsmen-racers are described.

The systematic approach to training yachtsmen is considered in detail from the perspective of the interaction of the yachtsman with the vessel. The book also provides recommendations on how to train and educate representatives of the romantic profession, both on the water and on land.

Yachting. The Complete Guide (2007)

The book by author Jeff Toghill contains the most complete information about yachts of various types, including the device, control details and questions regarding the choice and care of the boat.

The author has addressed this guide to beginner yachtsmen who are only learning the art of sailing. Here you will find important information regarding the rules and tactics of racing, adapting to difficult weather conditions and dealing with unforeseen situations.

Amateur Navigator's Manual (1972)

In the textbook by Pevzner V.A. and Slepenkova P.P. highlights such issues as: technical supervision and registration of vessels, classification and features of management of small vessels, shores and formation in the channel, reservoirs, work with nautical charts, orientation in the absence of a compass, basics of hydrometeorology, accounting and prediction weather conditions, boat mooring, sluicing, etc.

Starting to Win (1976)

The book by Eric Twineim is dedicated to teaching the art of sailing yacht management. The publication is focused on the middle helmsman, who may not be destined to participate in the Olympic races, but there is every chance of winning the race for the yacht club championship.

The book covers such issues as: wind power usage, the ability to catch gusts of wind, full courses in fresh weather and with cross currents, pre-start maneuvers, start against the wind, selection of a start site, interaction of sailors and steering, etc.

Sea Sailing (1982)

The textbook by G. Ermolaev is addressed to students of universities of maritime transport.

The book contains questions related to maritime navigational geographical terminology, provision of navigation, depths and grounds during soundings, light-signal and hydroacoustic aids to navigation equipment, floating warning signs, purpose, classification and content of nautical charts, English nautical charts, ship collections of charts and books, sailing on the high seas, navigational tasks, sailing in ice conditions, collecting information for updating maps and sailing guides, etc.

Sail and Rigging Tuning (2007)

The book (Author - Ivar Dedekam) is devoted to the basics of sail management and rigging of sailing yachts. This publication contains important practical information about sail setting and the basics of yacht handling in difficult sailing conditions, as well as useful tips for using a particular tackle.

The book is recommended for reading by both inexperienced yachtsmen and sailors who are better acquainted with the basics of yachting terminology. It is noteworthy that the textbook covers issues of aerodynamics, sail making, genoa tuning, rudder balance, markings, types of spinnakers, rigging tension, fractional rigging, etc.

Atlas Ship Rigging Works (1975)

In this atlas of the authors V.V. Grigoriev and V.M. Gryaznov. provides useful information on the types of rigging to be carried out on board ships.

Here you will find interesting material about how to knit knots, weaving mats, making fenders and slings, etc. The Atlas is recommended as a practical guide for maritime students.

Navigational Hydrometeorology (1972)

Book of authorship of Stekhnovsky D.I. devoted to physical processes and phenomena occurring in the hydrosphere and atmosphere. This textbook is recommended for students of nautical schools and provides knowledge and understanding of the influence of hydrometeorological conditions on navigation.

Here you will also find recommendations for self-monitoring the weather while sailing on a yacht , principles and methods of organizing hydrometeorological support for yachting and a detailed analysis of other important issues.

Maneuvers under sail (2007)

The book by Das Robert and Krause Erik describes all the necessary information that will be useful for a novice yachtsman in learning how to navigate a boat.

This book edition has gone through dozens of editions, and this is understandable, because here you can find useful information about setting sails and setting them up, courses, turns, maneuvering in a storm, towing, mooring in the harbor, emergency situations, etc. Due to the completeness and simplicity of presentation, this book is appreciated by both beginners and experienced yachtsmen.

Prevention of collisions at sea (1966)

This publication was written with the aim of explaining to yachtsmen the essence of the provisions and requirements set out in the Rules for Preventing Collisions of Vessels at Sea, which mariners sometimes dictate in their own way. Also, readers will be able to quickly memorize the Rules with the help of a variety of illustrations by reading this book by E.A. Mikulinsky.

Young Yachtsman (1966)

The book of the author B. Anoshkin is devoted to the introductory course of training for beginner yachtsmen. With its help, young sailors who have just started sailing will be able to learn the basics of yachting and understand in more detail the structure of a sail. We also note that the book is illustrated in detail with photographs that fully correspond to the content.

Course - loneliness (1969)

The book by Val Houzles (a participant in the International Transatlantic Yacht Race among Singles in 1960) describes the experiences and impressions of a person, who was alone with the ocean elements.

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