Purpose and features of the AIS system
Denis Korablev
  • 05.11.2021
  • 2,689

Purpose and features of the AIS system

Recently, there has been a constant increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, the same is happening in the sea. The annual replenishment of the world civilian fleet is 3,000 ships, the displacement of which is over 100 tons. And how fast the small fleet is growing, statistics are silent.
Marine Hydraulics Service Highlights
Denis Korablev
  • 03.11.2021
  • 2,376

Marine Hydraulics Service Highlights

The hydraulics of a sailboat have been compared to a workhorse because they do so much on board and do not require much attention. The hydraulic winch paired with the hydraulic thruster operates from dusk to dawn and does not overheat.
Using wind turbines on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 03.11.2021
  • 2,444

Using wind turbines on a yacht

The gasoline (diesel) engines found on many boats allow the use of generators to charge batteries. Sailing ships do not have an engine, so alternative sources of electricity are required.
We set up the water supply and sewerage of the yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 01.11.2021
  • 1,209

We set up the water supply and sewerage of the yacht

Surprisingly, small boats require regular water supply, although there is plenty of water overboard. Lack of water on a yacht can spoil the mood for a long time, and a good rest will not work.
Features of using the autopilot on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 07.10.2021
  • 716

Features of using the autopilot on a yacht

The last decades have been marked by an incredible increase in information about new technologies, which just a few years ago seemed to be a figment of the imagination of Hollywood directors. Electronic devices, by themselves, and integrated into systems, began to monitor our health, monitor our homes, take care of our children, help find our way home if we get lost.
How to use a dinghy on a rented yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 19.04.2021
  • 663

How to use a dinghy on a rented yacht

After graduating from the yachting school and having gained solid theoretical knowledge and practical sailing experience, you can plan your first yacht trip. What is required to make it as safe and comfortable as possible?
Best yachting books
Denis Korablev
  • 23.02.2021
  • 766

Best yachting books

This article provides a selection of fictional and educational literature about yachting, most of which was published at the peak of the popularity of sailing in the Soviet Union.
The importance of knowing the weather conditions when yachting
Denis Korablev
  • 22.02.2021
  • 613

The importance of knowing the weather conditions when yachting

Any captain with sufficient sailing experience knows the importance of keeping track of the weather forecast just before sailing, because this aspect is the most important component of a successful and safe yacht vacation.
Yachtsman's library: 12 books worth reading
Denis Korablev
  • 01.12.2020
  • 2,089

Yachtsman's library: 12 books worth reading

Books are not only the best gift, but also a valuable source of knowledge that contributes to the study of any science and always leaves its mark in the memory, helping to understand and find a way out of difficult situations in the future.
Tips for choosing a yacht interior
Denis Korablev
  • 22.09.2020
  • 549

Tips for choosing a yacht interior

The interior of pleasure yachts should correspond to their purpose, that is, create conditions for a comfortable rest. After all, the romance of sea voyages is determined, among other things, by the qualities of the ship on which the voyages are made.
Autopilot on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 16.09.2020
  • 854

Autopilot on a yacht

After purchasing a yacht, you should think about choosing a high-quality and reliable autopilot, because with such a device you will be able to pay more attention to the crew and be sure that the vessel will not go off course and will come to the destination port.
Swimming in the fog
Denis Korablev
  • 31.08.2020
  • 532

Swimming in the fog

Fog is a natural phenomenon that creates high risks of ship collisions during shipping. The appearance of fog is due to the approach of the air temperature to the dew point by 3 degrees. Typically, fog extends over water or land.
How to choose the right outboard motor for your yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 31.08.2020
  • 994

How to choose the right outboard motor for your yacht

The modern powerboat market can offer a wide variety of reliable and durable branded outboard motors. Let's take a look at some tips and tricks to follow in order to choose the right motor for your yacht.
What to choose: a yacht with a gasoline or diesel engine?
Denis Korablev
  • 28.06.2020
  • 795

What to choose: a yacht with a gasoline or diesel engine?

What type of engine to choose (gasoline or diesel) - modern yachtsmen argue about this, often citing arguments that turn out to be myths, nothing more. The first myth concerns safety - they say that diesel engines are more fire and explosion safe.
Tips for choosing an anchor for a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 11.05.2020
  • 614

Tips for choosing an anchor for a yacht

An anchor on a ship is more than an important thing, it is a symbol of hope and tranquility on the water. This attribute will determine not only the comfort of fishing or stopping in some secluded bay for diving from the board, but also, most importantly, the safety of being on a journey in the sea.
What is the future of hybrid yachts?
Denis Korablev
  • 22.12.2019
  • 642

What is the future of hybrid yachts?

Modern manufacturers are increasingly working on hybrid propulsion systems for yachts, combining conventional combustion engines with electric motors and high-capacity batteries.
Installing the echo sounder sensor on the yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 03.12.2019
  • 992

Installing the echo sounder sensor on the yacht

The echo sounder is an indispensable technical assistant for yachtsmen and fishermen, allowing you to accurately analyze the situation under the vessel. One of the most demanded questions among water motors remains the fixing of the device sensor.
Installation of additional equipment on the yacht during the tuning process
Denis Korablev
  • 03.12.2019
  • 696

Installation of additional equipment on the yacht during the tuning process

Tuning is a rather complicated process, since in its process you need to try not only to modernize the yacht, but also to achieve safety during the operation of the vessel.