Yachting in fog
Denis Korablev
  • 13.09.2021
  • 627

Yachting in fog

The fate of not only the yacht, but the crew as a whole depends on the actions of the yachtsman at the helm of the vessel. In conditions of reduced visual range, navigation at sea becomes much more difficult.
How can a beginner yachtsman learn to understand the wind? Expert advice.
Denis Korablev
  • 24.06.2021
  • 1,560

How can a beginner yachtsman learn to understand the wind? Expert advice.

The history of the use of wind power for sailing the seas and oceans goes back many centuries. The wind filled the sails of the legendary "Argo", the treacherous wind prevented Odysseus from returning to his native Ithaca. The force of the wind filled the sails of Columbus, helping to move towards the desired goal - the discovery of new lands.
10 common mistakes aspiring yachtsmen make
Denis Korablev
  • 26.02.2021
  • 575

10 common mistakes aspiring yachtsmen make

Yachting is a trendy outdoor activity that attracts travel enthusiasts. For some, it is easier to practice in the chosen yacht club, someone goes sailing or carries tourists to work, and someone buys a personal yacht and goes for a drive.
Best yachting books
Denis Korablev
  • 23.02.2021
  • 767

Best yachting books

This article provides a selection of fictional and educational literature about yachting, most of which was published at the peak of the popularity of sailing in the Soviet Union.
The importance of knowing the weather conditions when yachting
Denis Korablev
  • 22.02.2021
  • 617

The importance of knowing the weather conditions when yachting

Any captain with sufficient sailing experience knows the importance of keeping track of the weather forecast just before sailing, because this aspect is the most important component of a successful and safe yacht vacation.
Yachtsman's library: 12 books worth reading
Denis Korablev
  • 01.12.2020
  • 2,090

Yachtsman's library: 12 books worth reading

Books are not only the best gift, but also a valuable source of knowledge that contributes to the study of any science and always leaves its mark in the memory, helping to understand and find a way out of difficult situations in the future.
Secrets of organizing the perfect corporate regatta
Denis Korablev
  • 10.11.2020
  • 544

Secrets of organizing the perfect corporate regatta

Corporate sailing regattas are a great way to organize sports team building. Taking part in corporate regattas, yachtsmen get the opportunity to try themselves in a new role, to feel vivid impressions, and for organizers this event is an effective way to increase employee loyalty.
Why is it worth studying at a sailing school
Denis Korablev
  • 09.11.2020
  • 424

Why is it worth studying at a sailing school

It is worth taking training at a yachting school because this way you can discover a new type of high-quality active recreation. You can go on a trip on your own or rented yacht at any time of the year by choosing a suitable country and planning your own unique itinerary in advance.
An overview of 10 mobile apps every yachtsman needs
Denis Korablev
  • 14.10.2020
  • 575

An overview of 10 mobile apps every yachtsman needs

Like the vast majority of the world's inhabitants, yachtsmen are accustomed to smartphones and, whenever possible, use the functions of mobile technology for more comfortable, convenient and safe boat control.
On the strength of the wind in sailing
Denis Korablev
  • 02.10.2020
  • 920

On the strength of the wind in sailing

Wind in sailing yachting is a major factor considered by all boaters. Knowledge of the nature of the wind, the parameters of its occurrence and impact on the weather makes it possible to determine the course, choose convenient parking, plan transitions and select tactics when participating in regattas.
Autopilot on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 16.09.2020
  • 855

Autopilot on a yacht

After purchasing a yacht, you should think about choosing a high-quality and reliable autopilot, because with such a device you will be able to pay more attention to the crew and be sure that the vessel will not go off course and will come to the destination port.
Swimming in the fog
Denis Korablev
  • 31.08.2020
  • 534

Swimming in the fog

Fog is a natural phenomenon that creates high risks of ship collisions during shipping. The appearance of fog is due to the approach of the air temperature to the dew point by 3 degrees. Typically, fog extends over water or land.
How to choose the right outboard motor for your yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 31.08.2020
  • 994

How to choose the right outboard motor for your yacht

The modern powerboat market can offer a wide variety of reliable and durable branded outboard motors. Let's take a look at some tips and tricks to follow in order to choose the right motor for your yacht.
Anchorage selection rules
Denis Korablev
  • 17.08.2020
  • 612

Anchorage selection rules

The right choice of anchorage and the proper length of the anchor chain determines the peace of mind of your night's rest. Many boaters think they know where to choose an anchorage location and how to properly anchor.
Tips for newcomers sailing as skipper for the first time
Denis Korablev
  • 07.08.2020
  • 542

Tips for newcomers sailing as skipper for the first time

Going to sea for the first time as a captain is the most important moment in the life of any yachtsman, and if everything goes smoothly, it rewards you with confidence in your abilities in the future.
How to deal with traffic in busy waters
Denis Korablev
  • 06.07.2020
  • 484

How to deal with traffic in busy waters

For many skippers, the challenge of coping with navigation is more difficult than coping with the vicissitudes of the weather or approaching the shore in fog.
Yacht Towing Tips
Denis Korablev
  • 30.06.2020
  • 562

Yacht Towing Tips

Sooner or later, every yachtsman has to deal with the need for towing - from one end or the other. Towing accidents show that it is not easy to do, especially in difficult weather conditions and when it comes to small yachts.
Yachting myths
Denis Korablev
  • 15.03.2020
  • 418

Yachting myths

Yachting is one of the most interesting, informative, gambling and attractive sports that allows a modern person, loaded with an incessant stream of information pouring from all sides, to escape from routine affairs in order to enjoy the wind, sun and salty splashes of water.
Traditions and superstitions in maritime affairs
Denis Korablev
  • 10.03.2020
  • 439

Traditions and superstitions in maritime affairs

The traditions that have formed over the centuries-old history of yachting are somehow connected with everyday marine life, and, if you look at it properly, they are quite unbiasedly justified.
Installing the echo sounder sensor on the yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 03.12.2019
  • 998

Installing the echo sounder sensor on the yacht

The echo sounder is an indispensable technical assistant for yachtsmen and fishermen, allowing you to accurately analyze the situation under the vessel. One of the most demanded questions among water motors remains the fixing of the device sensor.